Hi, Paula!
I'm so happy you reached out over on LinkedIn too! I responded over there, but I'll share that response here as well, just in case...
I'm truly touched by your message and so glad the story resonated with you.
It sounds like you're in a phase of deep growth and laying a strong foundation—remember, all the effort you're putting into building your roots is going to support the beautiful growth that's yet to come. Your hard work and resilience are the nutrients feeding your future successes.
It can be tough when you're in the thick of it, not always seeing immediate results, but every bit of progress, no matter how small it might seem, is significant.
Your patience and persistence will definitely pay off.
Keep reaching out to people, keep growing, and keep believing in the journey you're on. The outcomes of your hard work will be as rewarding as they are deserved. I'm here cheering you on and can't wait to see the incredible heights you'll reach!